Jun 12, 2023
Exercise 1 – using the Azure Pricing calculator – Azure Cost Planning and Management
Exercise 1 – using the Azure Pricing calculator
In this exercise, you will create a price estimate with the Azure Pricing calculator; the estimate will be for a simple single-instance Windows VM hosted in the North Europe (Dublin) region.
Task – accessing the Azure Pricing calculator
- Open a browser and sign into the Azure pricing calculator using your Microsoft account: https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/calculator.
Task – adding a VM to the estimate
- From the products tab, click Virtual Machines.
- Scroll down to the VM line item that has been added to the estimate.
- Adjust the default VM settings to the following for this exercise (or as required):
- Region: North Europe.
- Operating System: Windows.
- Type: (OS only).
- Tier: Standard.
- Category: General purpose.
- Instance Series: Dds v4-series (or as required).
- Instance: D2ds v4 (or as required).
- Virtual Machines: Leave as qty of 1 and running for 730 hours.
- Leave Savings options as is.
- Expand Managed Disks and adjust the default settings to the following for this exercise:
- Tier: Premium SSD
- Disk Size: S15: 256 GiB
- Disks (qty): 1
- Leave Storage Transactions as is.
- Expand Bandwidth and adjust the default settings to the following for this exercise:
- Data transfer type: Internet egress
- Source region: North Europe
- Routed via: Microsoft Global Network
- Outbound data transfer: 10 GiB
- Leave Support as is.
- Leave Programmes and Offers as is.
- From the bottom right of the estimate screen, set the currency as required.
Task – saving, exporting, and sharing the estimate
- From the bottom left of the Estimate screen, click Save as and enter a name for your estimate.
- You will see a message stating that the estimate has been saved and that it can be viewed by clicking on the Saved estimates tab. Click Done.
- To export the estimate, click Export.
- To share the estimate, click Share.
In this exercise, we created an estimate for an Azure resource to be used in a solution using the Azure Pricing calculator. In the next exercise, we will use the TCO calculator.
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