Aug 12, 2023
Hands-on exercise – Azure Privacy and Compliance
Hands-on exercise
To support your learning with some practical skills, we will explore some of the resources and information covered in this chapter.
The following exercise will be carried out:
- Exercise – exploring Microsoft Trust Center Portal.
Getting started
To get started with this hands-on exercise, you will need the following:
- Access to an internet browser
Exercise – exploring Microsoft Trust Center Portal
This section will help you explore the Microsoft Trust Center Portal.
Task – accessing Microsoft Trust Center Portal
- From a browser, navigate to
Task – exploring the Trust Center Portal
- The Trust Center Portal can be explored using the top navigation bar. The core navigation components to explore can be found in the Privacy, Compliance, and Tools & Documentation drop-down menus. In addition to this, from the Products and services navigation component, you can view guidance on security, privacy, compliance, the data’s location, GDPR, and more:
Figure 10.10 – Azure Trust Center Portal
- From the Privacy menu, click Resources; among other resources, such as GDR, you will be able to access some of the core privacy resources outlined in the chapter, such as the privacy statement, terms, and data protection addendum. These can be seen in the following screenshot:
Figure 10.11 – Privacy resources
- From the Compliance menu, you can click through the items to explore each one, such as an overview of compliance, the compliance offerings, regional and country compliance, and so on.
- From Products and services, you can click through to learn about the specific details of each Microsoft product and service.
- From the Tools & Documentation menu, you can click through the items to explore each one, such as audit reports and data protection resources. These can be seen in the following screenshot:
Figure 10.12 – Trust document resources
In this exercise, we explored the Microsoft Trust Center Portal.
Now, let’s summarize this chapter.
More Details