Jun 12, 2022
Server specifications – Introduction to Power E1080

1.4 Server specifications

The Power E1080 server specifications are essential to plan for your server. For a first assessment in the context of your planning effort, this section provides you with an overview related to the following topics:

Ê Physical dimensions

Ê Electrical characteristics

Ê Environment requirements and noise emission

For more information about the comprehensive Model 9080-HEX server specifications product documentation, see IBM Documentation.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Power E1080        11

1.4.1 Physical dimensions

The Power E1080 is a modular system that is build of a single SCU and one, two, three, or four system nodes.

Each system component must be mounted in a 19-inch industry standard rack. The SCU requires 2U rack units and each system node requires 5U rack units. Thus, a single-node system requires 7U, a two-node system requires 12U, a three-node system requires 17U, and a four-node system requires 22U rack units. More rack space must be allotted; for example, to PCIe I/O expansion drawers, a hardware management console, flat panel console kit, network switches, power distribution units, and cable egress space.

Table 1-2 lists the physical dimensions of the Power E1080 server control unit and a Power E1080 server node. The component height is also given in Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) rack units. (One EIA unit corresponds to one rack unit (U) and is defined as 1 3/4 inch or 44.45 mm respectively).

Lift tools

It is recommended to have a lift tool available at each site where one or more Power E1080 servers are located to avoid any delays when servicing systems. An optional lift tool #EB2Z is available for order with a Power E1080 server. One #EB2Z lift tool can be shared among many servers and I/O drawers. The #EB2Z lift tool provides a hand crank to lift and position up to 159 kg (350 lb). The #EB2Z lift tool is 1.12 meters x 0.62 meters (44 in x 24.5 in).

1.4.2 Electrical characteristics

Each Power E1080 server node has four 1950 W bulk power supplies. The hardware design provides N+2 redundancy for the system power supply, and any node can continue to operate at full function in nominal mode with any two of the power supplies functioning.

Depending on the specific Power E1080 configuration, the power for the SCU is provided through two UPIC cables connected to one or two system nodes, as described in 1.2, “System nodes” on page 6.

12      IBM Power E1080: Technical Overview and Introduction

Table 1-3 lists the electrical characteristics per Power E1080 server node. For planning purposes, use the maximum values that are provided. However, the power draw and heat load depends on the specific processor, memory, adapter, and expansion drawer configuration and the workload characteristics.

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